Creating awareness of gender bias within the context of recruitment

Gender bias is behavior that shows favoritism toward one gender over another. Most often, gender bias is the act of favoring men and/or boys over women and/or girls. However, not always the case. Positive discrimination schemes and equality laws have been brought in to alleviate the problem with some degree of success, but barriers still remain. Gender bias can permeate every aspect of the recruitment lifecycle. Unconscious and conscious bias and gendered stereotyping influence shortlisting, interviewing, hiring, salary and promotion decisions, as well as talent identification and performance and opportunities.

Gender-equitable recruitment practices are integral to achieving gender equality to ensure the development, and promotion of a diverse workforce

We support the struggle for gender parity.
We are improving diverse and gender open recruitment to overcome the facts around gender bias to best to mitigate against it within the context of recruitment. We support the importance of changing recruitment processes and methods to support equality.

We want to constantly create awareness of unconscious bias and support our clients in their recruitment practices.
We help our clients to provide a safe, open and inclusive work environment that is underpinned by a sense of belonging for all employees, at all steps in their hiring journey.

We want to maximize inclusion at all levels within our and our clients’
organizations and particularly in their recruitment processes to create inclusive approaches to attraction, selection, hiring and onboarding.

To make lasting change we need to focus on designing the right processes, methods, systems and environments that support gender equality.

All this to make objective decisions about a candidate based on skills, experience and suitability without the distraction and potential damage of bias. We support unconscious bias training that is used by many companies to try and tackle the inequality dilemma.

Gender does not defineus; we all have unique skills andp ersonalities that should be celebrated.

Swedish Discrimination Act (2008:567)

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