
Client Partner Twitter Nordics


Client Partner Twitter Nordics

Twitter is creating a world-class team of media professionals in the Nordic region and are now seeking an experienced Client Partner to develop our business with advertisers and their agencies. If you’re an enthusiastic Twitter user with relevant sales experience, a strong track record, and solid customer relationships, we invite you to talk to us about advertising sales opportunities at Sellbranch, Twitter’s Nordic Sales Partner.

- Client Partner Twitter Nordics at Sellbranch
- Full-time
- Based in Stockholm but will require some travelling to other Nordic countriesReporting to: 
- Sales Director Twitter Nordics at Sellbranch

- Establish a collaborative business relationship between Twitter and our clients, who include some of world's most exciting global brands, and their advertising agencies
- Create consultative sales presentations to demonstrate how Twitter’s advertising products can be leveraged to connect with consumers
- Help advertisers build and execute effective campaigns, measure results, and renew / up-sell to drive revenue growth
- Thought leadership – immersing yourself in the evolving social media landscape, and adapting to Twitter’s ongoing product developments

- 3+ years experience in digital media sales, working with big brands and leading advertising agencies
- Established relationships with marketing decision makers at companies and agencies
- A track record demonstrating an ability to develop and grow a book of business
- Excellent communication and presentation skills
- Deep understanding of Twitter and the social media landscape, and opportunities for marketers
- Aptitude, creativity, and a preference for working in small, collaborative teams
- Fluency in Swedish and very good in English (Speaking, Reading & Writing). Any additional Nordic languages is a plus.

In this recruitment we of course cooperate with Talent&Partner.
Big welcome with your application as soon as possible when selections and interviews will be ongoing.
Your application will contain CV and a personal letter an gladly also a photo of you.
Send application to work@talentpartner.se or follow the link below.

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Kontakta oss gärna:

Jessica Dicklén



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Direktnummer: 070 – 229 53 53    Direktmail: info@talentpartner.se    Jobbmail: work@talentpartner.se